понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

Read the text. Answer the questions using no than 5 words in a row from the text (не более пяти слов подряд из текста).

Pros & Cons of Family Business
by Alexis Writing

A family business is a commercial venture in which family members are involved. A family business can include many possible combinations, such as parents and children, husbands and wives, multiple generations, and extended families taking the roles of board members, stockholders, advisers and employees. There are some benefits associated with a family business, but there are also some detriments associated with undertaking a business venture with your family.

Pro: Loyalty
Family-owned businesses are theoretically ideal because family members form a grounded and loyal foundation for the company and because family members will often exhibit more dedication to their common goals. Having a certain level of intimacy among the owners of a business can help bring about familiarity with the company and having family members around provides a built-in support system that should ensure teamwork and solidarity. Other benefits of a family business include long-term stability, trust, loyalty and shared values. Families also tend to be more willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the business.

Pro: Flexibility
Families tend to be more lenient and forgiving when it comes to work schedules, work-related decisions and judgments, and even mistakes. In a family business, there may be more leeway to work a flexible or part-time schedule, or to choose your own hours, so you can tend to your children, parents or other family members in need.

Con: Possible Inadequacies

In a family business, business owners may sometimes automatically promote family members or give them a job even if they do not have adequate skills for the position. Just because the person is a family member does not mean he will be best suited to a given job, and a company that hires only relatives may end up having some bad apples. Sometimes skill and work experience may be neglected. Business owners also cannot expect all family members to love the business.

Con: Conflict

Family businesses bring up a lot of challenges. They can be a source of difficulty when it comes to issues on succession, sibling relationships, and identity development. Succession is one of the most difficult challenges that family businesses face and can become a challenge when the older generation does not permit the younger generation the needed room to learn, develop and grow. On the other hand, sometimes no one in a subsequent generation even wants to assume the leadership position in his parent's business. Oftentimes, relationships between parents and children, or among siblings, tend to deteriorate due to lack of communication within the family. This dysfunctional behavior can result in judgments, criticism and lack of support.


1) What is a family business?
2) What are the advantages of a family business?
3) What are the disadvantages of a family business?

14 комментариев:

  1. 1. A family business is a type of business which involves members of a family.
    2. The advantages of family business are 1)loyalty: relatives are always will have your back and won’t betray you , also they have common goal and they’re tryingto reach it , and 2)flexibility: you can choose any work schedule or you can make mistakes and you won’t be afraid that someone will judge you.
    3. The disadvantages of family business are 1)Possible inadequacies: sometimes family members can make inadequate decisions cause the situation is connected with their family , and 2)Conflict: business problems can have influence on relationships between relatives.

    1. 1) Will you reconsider this sentence?
      oyalty: relatives are always will have your back and won’t betray you , also they have common goal and they’re tryingto reach it

      2. we say INFLUENCE SOMEBODY - the preposition ON is not needed

  2. Раисат Мирзаалиева12 апреля 2020 г. в 10:58

    1. A family business is an organization based on the participation of members of the same family.
    2. The advantages of a family business include: 1. Loyalty: loyalty to common goals, support for each other, trust. 2. Flexibility: flexible schedule, choice of working hours.
    3. Disadvantages of a family business include: 1. the ability to promote family members who do not have the necessary skills. 2. Conflicts of succession, lack of communication between generations.

  3. 1. Family business is an organization that employs family members
    2. The advantages of a family business are 1) loyalty: family members are always honest with their loved ones and ready to help in difficult times; 2) flexibility:family members are more lenient about working time, which allows you to have a flexible work schedule

    3) The disadvantages of a family business include: 1) family business provides a place in the company for family members, even if they do not have enough work experience, which in the end turns into disastrous consequences ; 2) family business generates conflicts in the family, which contributes to a lack of understanding

  4. 1. Family business is the commercial enterprise which is owned by family members, including parents, children, couples and others.

    2. Certain intimacy level among family members can build a support system that should provide teamwork and solidarity. Other advantages of this kind of business include stability, loyalty and common values. Families are also generally more willing to sacrifice for business. Families are more indulgent when it comes to work schedules and mistakes.

    3. Family members can be automatically promoted and take good job without proper skills. Some of them may not to like the business. There may be conflicts between generations because of the desicions taken by older generation. Often family business can take up too much time in the life of parents, which causes conflicts with children and lack of communication.

  5. 1)Family business-is an organization which includes members of the family.
    2)The advantages of family business are: 1)loyalty-which means that this type of business includes trust, sustainability and resistance.2) flexibility-which means that you can make your own chose even if it leads to failure.
    3)The disadvantages of family business are:1) Possible Inadequacies-sometimes owners of a business promote members of their family not because of their skills but because they are their family.2) Conflict-
    Family business brings into ones family a lot of misunderstandings.

  6. 1. Family business is one of the types of business consisting of family members who are United by running a joint business.

    2. All colleagues are proven people and you can easily trust them and be sure that they can always devour everything for the sake of a common business for free. You can also have a flexible and convenient work schedule.

    3. Often, family businesses accept family members who don’t have sufficient skills to work effectively and don’t want to run a business at all. And when it comes to inheritance, relationships between family members tend to deteriorate.

    Madina Askhabova

  7. 1)Family business - a type of commercial activity characterized by its belonging to a particular family.

    2)The advantages of a family business are loyalty and flexibility.Loyalty implies closeness between family members, support and trust that will ensure teamwork. In the family business you can work on a flexible schedule this is also an advantage.

    3)The disadvantages of a family business are possible inadequacies, when family members get jobs without the appropriate skills, and conflict related to continuity issues that leads to a deterioration in relations.

    Murtazalieva Patya

  8. 1)Family business is a type of business organization run by members of the same family
    2) Family Business Advantages:
    loyalty includes support and solidarity in working together
    flexibility means freedom in the choice of working time
    3)One of the main problems of this business is conflicts arising against the background of continuity and family ties

  9. 1)A family business is a business run by family members
    2)Family business advantages are:
    -loyalty which includes great dedication to their common goals, trust, long-term stability
    -flexibility:more possibilities to work a flexible
    3)Family business disadvantages are
    -Possible Inadequately: business owners may give work to family members even is they don’t have appropriate skills
    -Conflicts: succession problem, lack of support and other problem

  10. 1)A family business is an enterprise in which all business and important functions are handled by family members.
    2)Family business advantages are: loyalty, flexibility
    3)the disadvantages of a family business includes possible Inadequately and conflicts
