вторник, 7 апреля 2020 г.

25 комментариев:

  1. The chart shows the most exciting problems for people.
    Problems include: financial, healthcare and finding a school for children.
    There are three age groups on the chart: people from 18 to 34, 35-54 and people over 55.
    The indicators on the graph as a percentage.
    Each group has three lines: blue, violet and yellow.
    Consider the first age group of 18-34. The highest indicator is a financial problem. It makes up about 34 percent. The second most important healthcare problem is approximately 32 percent. And the problem of finding a school for children is only 6 percent.
    The second group of people aged 35 to 54.
    The main worrying issues remained finance and healthcare, but now healthcare is about 37 percent. The finance problem is exactly 35 percent. The search for a school for children is in last place, but already the percentage is much higher, about 18 percent.
    The last group of people is over 55.
    The main problems are still the same.
    In the first place, healthcare is 36 percent. In second place, finance is 28 percent and in last place is the search for schools for children, only 2 percent.
    In different age groups, priorities differ, but in all three groups, the problems of finance and healthcare remain priority. The second group of people aged 35 to 54 is most interested in the problem of finding a school for children.

    Achmedpashaev Eldar

  2. Hello

    1) The chart shows the information about the problems people have when they go to live in other countriesand how the problems change according to people’s ages.
    The most difficult part for young people aged 18 to 34 is making new friends, which is 45% . However only 34% of people aged 35 - 54 years have difficulty making friends, while people over 55–21% have this problem.

    2) Of the older age group, 53% consider learning the local language the biggest problem when moving to other country . The youngest age group finds it easier and the percentage of people who have problems learning a language is much lower - only 28%.
    Unlike their language learning difficulties, only 23% of people in the oldest age group have problems finding housing . However, this is the second most important problem for the other two age groups for which 39% to 40% of people in each group have difficulty.

    3) In general, all age groups face the same problems, but people over 55 reported that they faced a significantly smaller number of problems than young people.

    Babatova Patimat

  3. Рамазанов Шамиль

    The following problems can be distinguished in the diagram: financial, healthcare, and the search for a school for children. Consider the first group from 18 to 34.the highest rate is the financial problem, which is 34%. The second problem is healthcare, about 32%. And the last one is the search for schools for children is 6%. The second group of people is people from 35 to 54 years old. now health care is about 37%, financial is 35%, and school searches for children are about 18%. The last group of people are people over 55 years old. The main problems are also:
    -first health care which accounts for 36%
    -financial finance 78%
    - in third place, a school search for children 2%
    Conclusion: In different groups, priorities are different. In my opinion, the main problem for people is financial and finding a school for children .

  4. Рамазанов Шамиль

    The following three problems can be distinguished in the diagram: financial, healthcare, and the search for a school for children. Consider the first group from 18 to 34 years old. The highest financial problem is 34%. The second problem is healthcare, about 32%. And the last problem is finding a school for children is 6%
    The second group is people from 35 to 54 years old. Now healthcare is about 37%, financial is 35%, and finding a school for children is about 18%. The last group of people are people over 55 years old. The main problems are also:
    - firstly, healthcare, which is 36%
    - in second place finance is 78%
    - in third place, a school search for children 2%
    Conclusion: In different groups, priorities are different. In my opinion, the main problem for people is financial and finding a school for children.

  5. Магомедова Патя

    The graph shows how more than 30% of people aged 18-34 have a financial problem when moving to another country, about 32% have a health problem, about 6% find it difficult to choose schools for their children.
    Health problems face 37-38% of people aged 35-54. And 35% have a financial problem, and 18-19% are looking for schools for their children.
      The biggest problem for older people over 55 is healthcare, it makes up 36%, only 28% has a financial problem, and a very low percentage of people who find it difficult to find a school for children.
    From this we can conclude that people at any age to some extent encounter a financial problem, then the health problem, and only then choose a school for children.

  6. Consider the most exciting problems for people moving to other countries.
    The most important issues are finance, healthcare, and finding a school for children.
    Only 3 age groups, consider the first - people from 18-34 years old.
    For them, the highest indicator is financial problems, they accounted for 34%, health care amounted to 32% and the search for a school for children has the lowest indicator and is 6%
    The second group of people aged 35-54 years
    Here the most important problem is health care - 37%. Financial problems are not far behind him -35%
    Problems with school only 19%
    Third group of people over 55
    The health problem remains almost at the same level and amounts to 36%
    Financial problems are slightly less, they make up 28%, and there are no problems with the school at all, only 2%

    Magomedova Kamila

  7. The chart below shows information about the problems people have when they go in other countries.
    There are such problems like: finances, healthcare and finding school for children.
    The problems refer to people aged 18-34; 35-54; and over 55.
    According to the first aged group the biggest problem for them is finances that’s 34%. Secondly, it is healthcare which is about 32%. And the least problem people have in this age group is «finding schools for their children», that’s 6%.
    As for the second aged group we can see that the most common problem is «healthcare», that’s is over 35%. They have finances problem as well, but it’s less than 35%. There is «finding school for one’s children» problem too, and the percentage of people having this problem is much higher than the first aged group have. It’s almost 20%.
    The last 3rd group is quite similar to the second one within the healthcare problem. They both have high percent of this sort of problem, that’s over 35%.
    As for finances, the group takes the least position in having such problem in compression with any other aged groups. Moreover, it has the least «finding schools for one’s children» problem, that’s lower than 5 %.
    To sum it up, we can see that the most essential problems people collide with are healthcare and finances.
    The older you are the more health problem you may have.
    The younger you are the more finance problem you may have.
    So, if you want to have no money problems, you should sacrifice your health for it and vice versa.
    Shagruev K.M.

  8. The bar chart shows the percentage of the three main problems that people living abroad face, depending on three age groups.
    Problems such as: finance, healthcare, and finding a school for children are presented.
    We are also provided with three age groups: 18-34, 35-54 and over 55
    The biggest problem for people of all ages is organization medical care. Between 32% and 37% of all people find this problem
    The second largest problem is organizing finance. Although only 29% of people over 55 are affected by this, 35% of the middle age group and 34% of the 18-34 age group experience difficulties in this area
    In contrast, finding a school for children becomes the biggest problem of the middle age group with almost 19%, while the older age group is the smallest with a negligible 2%. Also, just over 5% of the same problem is covered by the young group.

    Gunashev Makhut

  9. 1)This chart shows information about the problems that people face when they leave to live in other countries.

    2) There are three age groups: people aged 18 to 34, 35 to 54, and people over 55.
    Each of these groups has three indicators: in blue (financial indicator), purple (health indicator )and yellow (search for schools for their children), which are expressed as a percentage .

    3 )for people between the ages of 18 and 34, the bigger problem is financial. It was about 34 percent .
    For people aged 35 to 54, the financial problem was 35 percent . And for people over 55, about 29 percent .

    4) the group of people aged 35 to 54 years has the Most problems related to money .
    Then a group from 18 to 34 years old .
    Third are people over 55 years old .

    5) the group of people aged 35 to 54 has the Most problems finding schools for their children . Their problem was 19 percent.
    For people aged 18 to 34, the problem was 6 percent, and for people over 55, it was only 2 percent .

    As for the health problem, it was about 32 percent for people aged 18 to 34 . In people aged 35 to 54, it is about 37 percent . And for people over 55 years old, it was 36 percent .

    6) in General, for all three indicators, people aged 35 to 54 years have more problems .
    Багомаева Сайгибат

  10. The diagram shows information about the most interesting problems for people.
    Issues such as: finances, healthcare, and finding a school for children.Groups of people are divided by age.Indicators are given as a percentage.
    Consider the first age group from 18 to 34 years.The biggest one is the financial problem. This is about 34 percent.The health problem is 32 percent.The problem of finding a school for children is only 6 percent.
    The next group of people is between 35 and 54 years old.The financial problem and the health problem remain at about the same level .The financial problem is 37 percent, and the health problem is 35 percent.However, the problem of finding schools for children has increased to 18 percent.
    The last group of people is people over 55 years of age.The health problem is 36 percent, the financial problem is 28 percent, and the problem of finding schools for children falls to 2 percent. In conclusion, I can say that people's problems largely depend on age : young people are more likely to have problems with money, adults are more likely to have health problems

  11. The chart shows the information about the problems people have when they go to live in other countriesand how the problems change according to people’s ages. The following problems can be distinguished: financial, healthcare and the search for a school for children.

    There are three age groups: people aged 18 to 34, 35 to 54, and people over 55.

    1) Consider the first group from 18 to 34.
    -The highest rate is the financial problem, which is 34 percent.
    -The second most important healthcare problem is approximately 32 percent.
    -And the problem of finding a school for children is only 6 percent.

    2) The second group of people aged 35 to 54.
    -Here the most important problem is health care - 37 percent.
    -Financial problems are not far behind him - 35 percent.
    -Problems with school only 18 percent.

    3) The last group of people is over 55.
    The main problems are still the same.
    -In the first place, healthcare is 36 percent.
    -In second place, finance is 28 percent.
    -And in last place is the search for schools for children, only 2 percent.

    Conclusion: In different groups, priorities differ, but in all three groups, the problems of finance and healthcare remain priority.

  12. The graph shows the integration problems for people living abroad by their age.
    People living overseas often meet three big problems: sorting out finances, sorting out healthcare and finding schools for their children.
    Following this chart, the biggest problem for group of middle age is the health whose the percentage is equal to 37, if for the first group is 32, and for the third, not far, 36.
    About the problem of money, it concerns mostly the people aged from 35 over 54 with 35 percent, here for younger equal at 34 and older is 29.
    The group wich has the most problems finding a school for their children is again the second, that it is showing at 19 percent, high compared to the people aged from 18 over 34 with just 6 percent. In contrast to tow other, this problems seems very rare for people over 55 whose the percentage is equal to 2.
    In general, group wich has to deal with the most problem is the second, people aged from 18 over 34.

  13. Manafova Tamila

    In this chart, we are shown important issues for people. The chart shows three categories of people: people aged 18-34, people 35-54, over 55. Each category includes three lines: blue, purple and yellow. In other words, a sorting out finances, a sorting out healthcare and finding a schools for children. The indicators on the graph are presented in percent.
    If we consider the first category of people from 18 to 34 years old, we see that here the highest rate has a financial problem, about 35 percent. The second important issue is the health problem. It reaches about 32 percent. And about 6 percent is the problem of finding a school for children.
    The most serious problem for categories of people from 35 to 54 is the sorting of health care, which is about 37 percent. The sorting of finances is slightly inferior to this problem. And reaches exactly 35 percent. Thus, the problem of finding schools for children is relatively low, which is approximately 19 percent.
    Finally, consider the third category, people over 55 years old. It is worth noting that here the problem of finding schools for children is much smaller compared to other groups. And it is about 3 percent. And the most exciting problem here is again a sorting out healthcare, which has about 36 percent. Next up is the sorting out finances, which has about 29 percent.

    Output. Each category has different priorities. We can say that a health problem is the most important among all groups. And the problem of finding schools for children is more actually in a group of people from 35 to 54 years old compared to others.

  14. The diagram shows three key issues affecting people .
    Let's take a closer look at them :
    1) financial problem
    2) the problem of health care
    3) search for schools for children
    The table also shows three age groups:
    1) People from 18 to 34 years old
    2) from 35 to 54
    3) from 55 and above .
    Indicators on the chart are presented as a percentage.
    Each group has three lines: blue, purple, and yellow.
    Consider the first age group from 18 to 34 years. The highest indicator is a financial problem. It is about 34 percent. The second most important health problem is about 32 percent of the population. And the problem of finding a school for children is only 6 percent.
    The second group-people aged 35 to 54 years.
    Finance and health remained the main concerns, but health care now accounts for about 37 percent. The financial problem is exactly 35 percent. Search for schools for children is in last place, but this percentage is much higher than in the first age group, about 18 percent.
    The last group of people is people over 55 years of age.
    The main problems are still the same.
    First, health care is 36 percent. In second place, Finance is 28 percent, and in last place, the search for schools for children is only 2 percent.
    Different age groups have different priorities, but in all three groups, financial and health issues remain top priorities. The second group of people aged 35 to 54 is most interested in the problem of finding a school for children, because most people at this age, children are just finishing kindergarten .

  15. The chart below shows information about integration problems people of different ages face when they live abroad.
    As we can see, the problem of finding school for children is least significant for all of the age groups. For people over 55 it’s not so relevant, I think, that’s why only 2% chose it. On the other side, 19% of people chose this problem in 35-54 age group.
    If we consider the opinions of people aged 18-34, we noticed, that most of them chose financial (34%) and healthcare (32%) problems. Approximately the same situation we can observe in the age group 35-54; 35% chose financial problems and 37% - healthcare problems. But for people over 55, a healthcare problems was more common than financial problems; 36% vs 29%.
    In general, we can say, that financial and healthcare problems are most common for people of any age.

  16. Гусейнова Патюля12 апреля 2020 г. в 04:36

    This chart shows the problems people face when moving to another country.
    these are basically three problems:
    1.sorting out finances
    2. sorting out healthcare
    3.finding schools for my children
    We are also presented with three age groups of people.
    For people between the ages of 18 and 34, the most important issue is sorting out financial resources. It is about 34%. The second problem they face is "sorting health care". But the least important problem for this age group is the problem of "finding schools for children". It is only 6%.
    For the second group of people aged 35 to 54 years, the most important problem is "sorting healthcare", it is 37%. Next comes the problem of "sorting finances" which is 35%. And the last problem it is much higher than that of people aged 18 and above is the finding for schools for children and it is 20%.
    The last group of people has problems similar to the previous one. For them, the problem of sorting health care also remains the most important. It is 35%, but the problem of "finding schools for children" is the least important for them. It doesn't even reach 5%
    In conclusion, I want to say that each age group of people has its own problems that they face when moving to another country. As you can see in the chart, for people over 35 years of age, the health problem is important, but for people younger, the problem with finances remains in the first place.

  17. The table below shows information about the problems that people have when they go to live in other countries. The first table shows the data of people aged 18 to 34. Here we can notice that the main problem of these people is financial and health problems. . About 70 percent. In the second diagram, the main problems are also health problems and a financial problem with a slight margin of the first. In the third table, the data are similar. 28% have financial problems. 36% have health problems. 2% of people care about the location of schools for their children. This problem mainly affects people from 35 to 54 percent

  18. Khasmamedova Zarina.

    The graph shows the information about the problems people have when they go to live in other countries.
    The following problems are presented in the diagram: financial problems, healthcare and finding schools for children. Each problem is highlighted in a separate color: blue, pink and yellow.
    The horizontal axis shows the age of people, the vertical axis shows the percentage. There are three groups: people aged from 18 to 34, 35 to 54 and people over 55.
    Let’s begin to consider the first group of people aged 18 to 34. We see that financial problems slightly exceed health problems and make up more than 30 percent. Percentage of people, having problems with finding school for children is relatively small and make up 6 percent.
    As for the second group of people, the highest rate here is healthcare problems (about 37%), the level of financial problems is slightly lower. We see that between the ages of 35 and 54, people more often have difficulty with finding schools for children, and it is almost 20 percent.
    People after 55 years have almost no problems finding schools for their children (only 2 percent). But, unfortunately, 36 percent of people after 55 have health problems. However, their financial problems are significantly lower than those of people under 55 years.
    In general, most problems for all indicators have people living abroad in aged 35 to 54 years.

  19. The diagram shows information about the problem of adaptation of people of different ages living abroad. The first group is people from 18 to 34 years old, the second is from 35 to 54 years old and the third is more than 55 years old.
    The least important problem for all people of all age groups is the search for a school for children, while the most priority problems remain with finances and health. For people from 18 to 34 years old, the most important problem remains the problem of finance, while for people of other age groups, the problem of health remains a higher priority.
    In general, we can say that finding a school for a child should not be your main reason not to leave to live abroad.

  20. Саидов Магомед
    We see in this chart how more than 30% of people aged 18-34 experience financial problems when moving to another country, about 32% have health problems, and about 6% find it difficult to choose a school for their children.
    With the health problems faced 37-38% of people aged 35-54 years. Moreover, 35% have financial problems, and 18-19% are looking for schools for their children.
    The biggest problem for older people over 55 is health care, it is 36%, only 28% have financial problems, and a very low percentage of people who find it difficult to find a school for children.
    From this we can conclude that people at any age to some extent face a financial problem, then a health problem, and only then choose a school for children.

  21. Ахмедова Патимат12 апреля 2020 г. в 09:17

    The chart is divided into 3 large groups of people by age. Vertical numerical indicators as a percentage. Problem indicators are taken into account for each age group. The colors of the problems differ for a more expressive look. The chart has three main indicators that show the most important issues: financial, health, and finding a school for children. For different age categories, the importance of the problem is different. among Young people 18-34, the most important problem is financial. This figure is 34 percent. People aged 35-54 are most concerned about the health problem of 37 percent and this group has the highest interest in finding a school for children 19 percent. In the last age group over 55, the most important health problem is 36 percent. These indicators vary depending on the age of people, each category is concerned to varying degrees with different problems. the similarity is that all age groups are more or less concerned about financial and health issues.

  22. Atakaeva Albina.
    The chart shows the most exciting problems for people, who go to live in other country. It’s financial problems, healthcare and finding schools for children.
    Consider the first age of group of 18-34. The highest rate is financial problems(34%). The second one is healthcare(32%) And the last one is finding schools for children(only 6%)
    The second aged group is people from 35 to 54 y.o. In this group of people the biggest problem is healthcare (more than 34%) The second problem is finance (35%), and the last one is finding schools for children (18%).
    And the last group of people it’s people over 55. The biggest problem of this group is healthcare too (more than 35%). The second problem is finance (29%) And problem with finding school for children is only a few per cent.

  23. Musaeva Raisat

    The chart shows some of the most exciting problems for people. These issues include: healthcare, finance, and finding a school for children. 3 age groups are considered in the diagram. consider the first of them, which includes people from 18 to 34 years old, their highest rate is financial problems, which make up about 34 percent. in second place is the health problem - 32%, and the problem with finding a school is only 6%. the second group of people is the age of 35 to 54 years. the main problems were finance and healthcare, but now healthcare is about 37%, the financial problem is 35%. Finding a school for children is also in last place.
    the last group of people is the age of 55 years. the main problems are the same. health care - 36%, finance - 28%, school search for children only 2%.
    different age groups have different problems

  24. The chart shows the most exciting problems for people. Among which are health care finance and schools. Age groups from 18 to 34 from 35 to 54 and from 55 and older are also indicated. For a group of 18 to 34 years old, the main problem with finances is 34 percent, followed by healthcare about 32 percent. And the problem of finding schools is only 6 percent. For people from 35 to 54 years old, the main problem is health care and makes up 37 percent and finances 35 percent. A school search for children is already 18 percent. For people aged 55 and over, health care also remained a major problem, accounting for 36 percent. In second place is finance with 28 percent and the search for schools for children is only 2 percent.

  25. The graph shows information about the problems people have when they go to live in other countries. These issues include financial, healthcare and finding schools for children. The first group of people is aged 18 to 34. For this group the most important issue is sorting out finances, it is about 34%. The last problem they face is sorting out healthcare. The percentage of people having problem with finding schools for children is relatively small and make up 6%. The second group of people is aged 35 to 54. The highest rate here is healthcare problem, it is about 37%. The financial problem is 35%. Finding schools for children is also in last place. The third group of people is people over 55. The main problems are the same. health care - 36%, finance - 28%, school search for children only 2%.
    Most problems for all indicators have people living abroad in aged 35 to 54 years.
