воскресенье, 5 апреля 2020 г.

Business Management, 1st year

PEOPLE (Market Leader)

Women at the Top

I. Translate the following sentences into English using words and phrases from the text on page 69.

1) Недавно она отметила пятилетие в должности руководителя компании Shrimps.
2) Это дало ей возможность (enable sb to do sth) открыть магазин одежды, вместо того, чтобы торговать обходя дома по очереди.
3) Наша компания доставляет продукты питания до места.
4) Многие известные люди, такие как Стив Джобс и Марк Цукерберг, не окончили высшие учебные заведения.
5) Она бегло говорит на сербском.
6) Родители играют важную роль в формировании наших взглядов на жизнь.
7) Целеустремленность - одно из главных качеств для достижения успеха.
8) В нашей семье никто не бросает работу.
9) Он стал членом компании семь лет назад.
10) Когда он возглавил компанию, ее доходы составляли 5 миллиардов долларов.
11) В смешанных компаниях легче принимать решения.
12) Входя в правление трех топ IT-компаний, он был очень влиятельным человеком в мире бизнеса .

II. Look through the text again and name an important quality for Chinese people. Try to make two or three sentences describing the role of this quality in Chinese culture.

5 комментариев:

  1. Абдуллаев Ахмад

    1) She recently celebrated five years as the company's chief Executive Shrimps.
    2) This gave her the opportunity to open a clothing store, instead of having to shop around the house in turn.
    3) Our company delivers food to the place.
    4) Many famous people, such as Steve jobs and mark Zuckerberg, did not graduate from higher education.
    5) She speaks fluent Serbian.
    6) Parents play an important role in shaping our Outlook on life.
    7) Purposefulness is one of the main qualities for success.
    8) in our family, no one quits their job.
    9) He became a member of the company seven years ago.
    10) when he took over the company, its revenue was 5 billion dollars.
    11) it is easier to make decisions In mixed companies.
    12) Serving on the Board of three top IT companies, he was a very influential person in the business world .

  2. 1)She recently celebrated five years as Chief Executive of Shrimps.
    2) This gave her the opportunity to open a clothing store, instead of having to trade going around the houses in turn.
    3) Our company delivers food to the address.
    4) Many famous people, like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, didn’t graduate from higher education institution.
    5) She speaks fluent Serbian.
    6) Parents are important in forming our views on life.
    7) Purposefulness is one of the main qualities for success.
    8) Nobody quits work in our family.
    9) He became a member of the company seven years ago.
    10) When he took over the company, its revenues were $5 billion.
    11) It is easier to make decisions in mixed teams.
    12) As a member of the board of three leading IT-companies, he was a very important person in the business world.

  3. Мутуев
    1)She recently celebrated five years as chief Executive of Shrimps.
    2)This gave her the opportunity to open a clothing store, instead of having to shop around the house in turn.
    3)Our company delivers food to the place.
    4)Many famous people, such as Steve Jobs and mark Zuckerberg, did not graduate from higher education.
    5)She speaks Serbian fluently.
    6)Parents play an important role in shaping our Outlook on life.
    7)Purposefulness is one of the main qualities for achieving success.
    8)No one in our family quits their job.
    9)He joined the company seven years ago.
    10)When he took over the company, its revenue was $ 5 billion.
    11)In mixed companies, it is easier to make decisions.
    12)Serving on the Board of three top IT companies, he was a very influential person in the business world.

  4. Магомедова Зайнаб

    1) She recently celebrated five years as the company's chief Executive Shrimps.
    2) This gave her the opportunity to open a clothing store, instead of having to shop around the house in turn.
    3) Our company delivers food to the place.
    4) Many famous people, such as Steve jobs and mark Zuckerberg, did not graduate from higher education.
    5) She speaks fluent Serbian.
    6) Parents play an important role in shaping our Outlook on life.
    7) Purposefulness is one of the main qualities for success.
    8) in our family, no one quits their job.
    9) He became a member of the company seven years ago.
    10) when he took over the company, its revenue was 5 billion dollars.
    11) it is easier to make decisions In mixed companies.
    12) Serving on the Board of three top IT companies, he was a very influential person in the business world .

  5. |
    1) She recently selebrated 5 years as head of Shrimps
    2) This enabled her to open the clothes shop, instead of selling door to door
    3) Our company delivers food to the place
    4) Many famous people like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg didn't finished their university
    5) She speaks fluent Serbian
    6) Parents are important in forming our views about life
    7) Determination is one of the main quality for success
    8) In our family nobody don't quit
    9) He became a member of company 7 years ago
    10) When he became a head of company, it had revenues of $5bn.
    11) In mixed teams decision making are easier
    12) Being in board of three top IT companies, he was a very successful person in the business world.
    it is determination. China is a country with an unusually united people. Their unity only explains the fact that every Chinese has a strict and determinational character.
