понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

Read the text. Answer the questions using no than 5 words in a row from the text (не более пяти слов подряд из текста).

Pros & Cons of Family Business
by Alexis Writing

A family business is a commercial venture in which family members are involved. A family business can include many possible combinations, such as parents and children, husbands and wives, multiple generations, and extended families taking the roles of board members, stockholders, advisers and employees. There are some benefits associated with a family business, but there are also some detriments associated with undertaking a business venture with your family.

Pro: Loyalty
Family-owned businesses are theoretically ideal because family members form a grounded and loyal foundation for the company and because family members will often exhibit more dedication to their common goals. Having a certain level of intimacy among the owners of a business can help bring about familiarity with the company and having family members around provides a built-in support system that should ensure teamwork and solidarity. Other benefits of a family business include long-term stability, trust, loyalty and shared values. Families also tend to be more willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the business.

Pro: Flexibility
Families tend to be more lenient and forgiving when it comes to work schedules, work-related decisions and judgments, and even mistakes. In a family business, there may be more leeway to work a flexible or part-time schedule, or to choose your own hours, so you can tend to your children, parents or other family members in need.

Con: Possible Inadequacies

In a family business, business owners may sometimes automatically promote family members or give them a job even if they do not have adequate skills for the position. Just because the person is a family member does not mean he will be best suited to a given job, and a company that hires only relatives may end up having some bad apples. Sometimes skill and work experience may be neglected. Business owners also cannot expect all family members to love the business.

Con: Conflict

Family businesses bring up a lot of challenges. They can be a source of difficulty when it comes to issues on succession, sibling relationships, and identity development. Succession is one of the most difficult challenges that family businesses face and can become a challenge when the older generation does not permit the younger generation the needed room to learn, develop and grow. On the other hand, sometimes no one in a subsequent generation even wants to assume the leadership position in his parent's business. Oftentimes, relationships between parents and children, or among siblings, tend to deteriorate due to lack of communication within the family. This dysfunctional behavior can result in judgments, criticism and lack of support.


1) What is a family business?
2) What are the advantages of a family business?
3) What are the disadvantages of a family business?

воскресенье, 5 апреля 2020 г.

Business Management, 1st year

Read two texts about two famous UK entrepreneurs. Compare them in class. Add information about Dagestan famous entrepreneurs in the Comment Section.

Business Management, 1st year

PEOPLE (Market Leader)

Women at the Top

I. Translate the following sentences into English using words and phrases from the text on page 69.

1) Недавно она отметила пятилетие в должности руководителя компании Shrimps.
2) Это дало ей возможность (enable sb to do sth) открыть магазин одежды, вместо того, чтобы торговать обходя дома по очереди.
3) Наша компания доставляет продукты питания до места.
4) Многие известные люди, такие как Стив Джобс и Марк Цукерберг, не окончили высшие учебные заведения.
5) Она бегло говорит на сербском.
6) Родители играют важную роль в формировании наших взглядов на жизнь.
7) Целеустремленность - одно из главных качеств для достижения успеха.
8) В нашей семье никто не бросает работу.
9) Он стал членом компании семь лет назад.
10) Когда он возглавил компанию, ее доходы составляли 5 миллиардов долларов.
11) В смешанных компаниях легче принимать решения.
12) Входя в правление трех топ IT-компаний, он был очень влиятельным человеком в мире бизнеса .

II. Look through the text again and name an important quality for Chinese people. Try to make two or three sentences describing the role of this quality in Chinese culture.

вторник, 24 марта 2020 г.

Louis Vuitton to make emergency hand sanitiser



As with many countries, France is experiencing a shortage 1 ______ hand sanitiser. To help combat this, the luxury goods maker Louis Vuitton (LVMH) will start making sanitiser to help fight the COVID-19 virus. The company will repurpose 2 ______ perfume production lines to start making anti-viral products. A spokesperson said the company wants to help tackle the shortage of sanitiser across France. He announced: "LVMH will 3 ______ the production lines of its perfume and cosmetic brands to produce large quantities of alcoholic gels. These gels will be delivered 4 ______ of charge to health authorities." He added: "LVMH will continue to honour this commitment for as long as necessary, in connection 5 ______ the French health authorities."

LVMH is a luxury goods conglomerate that owns well-known brands such 6 _____champagne maker Moet & Chandon, watchmaker Tag Heuer and jeweller Bulgari. Its factories manufacture perfume and makeup for brands 7 _____ Christian Dior and Givenchy. In a warlike effort, they will change production to help France's health system. More commercial companies could start helping out in the fight 8 _____ the coronavirus. The UK government has asked the car and jet-engine maker Rolls Royce to start making ventilators. These are urgently required to help 9 ______ hospitalised with the virus breathe. The UK's health service has a huge shortage of ventilators and is readying itself for 10 ______ people to contract the virus.
